WELLNESS WEDNESDAY – Can you walk 10k steps / day?

Hey Chicks,

I can’t believe we starting another session of bootcamps this week (time flies when having fun!) and also our first round shakin’ our tail feather with Zumba(r) by FIT CHICKS at our Toronto King & Bathurst and Don Mills locations – woot woot!  Not only that but I am gearing up to head back to Mexico (yes you read correctly, I am going back!) on Saturday for another long standing bestie of 22 years’ wedding…the fabulous Jenn!

FIT CHICKS Pedometer

My Favorite Peddy!

Now that my Mexican Beer Dermitis is healing and my post holiday bloat has gone down, I am excited for another week of fun in the sun.   Last time, I forgot a staple to my holiday planning…my pedometer!  Why is it so important? Because it keeps me active, burning calories and allows me to balance in an extra margarita (or 2!:) if I really get to steppin’.

My goal is to always get in 10 000 steps / day which is equivalent to about 5 miles and 500 calories burned.  On site seeing days, I can log in approx 25 000 steps if I am really on the go.  I love it because it helps remind me to get moving and makes sure I am real with myself about my activity.  Now how it will look clipped to my bikini is a whole other story 🙂

Now if you don’t think you could walk 10000 steps / day, it is a great challenge for yourself and will prove for great fitness and weight loss results too (you will be addicted to your peddy after – I promise!).  Check out my video below talking about our next Pedometer Challenge starting May 7th so you can see how steppin’ can keep you on track too!

Now I have to head back to repacking for Mexico…I know it’s a hard life 🙂

Have a fab day,

Laura, your Head Chick