FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 205 – From online to in-store products – How to grow your brand presence: Interview with Sara Grey


Hey chicks,

I was introduced to Sara Grey through a mutual connection and loved her story as she decided to take control of her life at an early age. She was living on a family member’s couch with a little baby sleeping in her arms and knew this was not where she wanted to be. She was determined to build the life she wanted and aspire to be the person to influence her family to be their best.

She stopped waiting and took control of her destiny. She went to law school developed her own successful firm and then built an entire health brand with Fitonic. She is one fierce chick and we are so honored to share her story, insights and success with all of you!

In this episode we cover:

  • From living on a couch in a family members home to starting her own law firm and now supplement company Sara shares her story and her why
  • Sara shares how she got into the supplement world in the first place
  • Why supplements can be a challenge to get into
  • Her one thing she focused on to help her break free from the saturated market
  • Why she feels online is key for success
  • Her top mistake and what she suggest you do today
  • Her top tips for any entrepreneur starting out in this field



About Sara Grey

Sara Grey founded FiTONIC to make whole-body health easier. She is a formerNCAA Division 1 athlete, with a biology degree and lifelong interest in the impact ofnutrition and movement on our health. An avid athlete, Grey runs, weight trains, cheap folding bikes, hikes, swims, yogas, and she’s always on thelookout for a new challenge. Along the way, she discovered that as she developed tenacity and resilience by pushing through her fitness boundaries, she also developed the tenacity and resilience she needed to transform her life, which kinda came in handy, because.

In her 20s, Grey was a broke single-mother, working as a waitress on welfare insurance,sleeping with her infant son in her arms on a family member’s couch. When her son was 5-months old, she enrolled in law school, determined to provide for him. After graduating with honors, she joined a prestigious law firm as a litigator and developed a successful career. She is now the mother of four sons, married to her best friend and workout partner, and crushing new goals every day.

Grey understands feelings of failure but she also knows what it means to breakthrough and transform your life, step by step, until you’re ready to unleash into a race-finisher’s sprint. She’s continued to overcome obstacles, whether it’s in the courtroom or on the gym floor. Grey created FiTONIC for other women who also want to climb mountains, who need to do that thing that seems impossible, until it isn’t.

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Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo

*For informational purposes only. Please consult a physician before starting an exercise program