FIT CHICKS CHAT EPISODE #184 – From Diet Pills and Punishing Workouts to Finding a New Path – Interview with Tanya Plummer


Hey chicks,

For the past year I have been following Tanya on social media as one of my personal inspo peeps. She has this way about her that makes you feel like you already know her. She is warm, funny, silly at times and knowledgeable. She is also someone who shows you the behind the scenes and the not so perfect parts of life, the real stuff. I love when people share their true self with others and show all sides which is just one of the many reasons why I continue to look to her for inspo.


When she agreed to do this interview I was beyond pumped as I already felt like we were friends so this interview would be more about sharing her story and transformation with the many women I know she can help.

In this interview we cover:

  • Why quick fixes don’t work, period
  • The dangers of diet pills
  • What changed in Tanya’s life to make her start a new conversation with herself that included self love and gratitude
  • How she went from over dieting, exercising and self loathing to becoming a health and wellness coach
  • Why KETO works for her
  • What KETO is
  • Why some people feel sick on KETO and what to do about it
  • Her top tip for you to get started today – warning this will cause goose bumps and possibly some teary eyes

This interview is packed with personal struggles, beliefs and breaking the mold to create a new life. I truly felt like we could have talked all day and then some. I loved this chat and hope you do as well:)

Amanda xo

About Tanya Plummer

Tanya Plummer is a Nutrition Coach and Fitness Trainer at Tanya Plummer Fit. She helps Gluten-Intolerant Women in their mid 30s and 40s heal from tummy pain and bloating Plus stalled weight loss via a High Fat/Low Carb diet and Fat Burning Workouts. Having once been obese herself, Tanya understands the struggles women have with body image and mindset. She leads by example, often sharing her own struggles with gluten intolerance, depression and anxiety.

Her mission is to help women boost their energy and confidence through simple yet effective healthy habits that are easy to learn.

Flat Belly Jumpstart –


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Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo

*For informational purposes only. Please consult a physician before starting an exercise program