FIT CHICKS CHAT Episode 191 – Do you love your business as much as you love your craft?


Hey chicks,

You might be thinking “Isn’t my business the same as my craft?”.  No it is NOT! We all started in fitness, nutrition & wellness because we want to help people, eat healthy delish food and get our sweat on but as our business grows, so does the responsibilities that go with it. And for many of us that can throw us into overwhelm, panic and feeling like you want to throw in the towel. In this podcast the Head Chicks share how to fall madly in love with the business side of what you do (and how to approach it in the RIGHT way for results!) so you can spend MORE focusing on doing what you love.



Looking to start an online business? Join our Private Facebook Group for tips, weekly Facebook lives and more! – Build Your Online Fitness & Nutrition Biz with FIT CHICKS® Academy

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Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo

*For informational purposes only. Please consult a physician before starting an exercise program