EPISODE #5 – FIT CHICKS Chat Podcast: The 5 BIGGEST mistakes women make when trying to get fit & lose fat

Hey Chicks,

Have you been working/sweating your tail off, eating “clean” and doing everything “right” according to all that you have heard about getting fit and losing fat but STILL not seeing any results…isn’t it frustrating?! The truth is a lot of what we are told is WRONG and you may have been doing these things thinking they are helping you reach your fitness and fat loss goals. Don’t worry chick – we have got you covered in this one!

In Episode 5 of FIT CHICKS Chat, Laura and Amanda reveal the 5 biggest MISTAKES that women make when trying to get fit and lose fat so you won’t fall trap to these or can stop doing them ASAP to get on the road to success!

Amanda and Laura



So what is going down in this episode? See below for details, click on the player to listen or subscribe to Itunes to download weekly (Missed passed episodes? Get caught up here 🙂

In Episode 5, we are chatting up a storm with a lots of fierce, actionable info for you to make healthy changes combined with a whole lot of personal stories and chick chat including:

I. What the 5 biggest mistakes are that women make when trying to get fit & lose fat
ii. If you making these mistakes, what you need to do ASAP to get on the right track so you can stop wasting your time, lose the frustration and GET RESULTS!
iii. How you love the skin you are in and inspire and educate others with this knowledge too!








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And if you have a question about fitness, nutrition, wellness or business that you would like us to give our 2 cents about or have any feedback about the show, simply email us at info@fitchicks.ca …we would love to hear from you!

Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo