FIT CHICKS CHAT Episode #196 – Biological Age vs Chronological Age – Interview with Fitness and Nutrition Expert Grad Beate Probst


Hey chicks,

Beate first took our FIT CHICKS Academy Fitness and Nutrition Expert Program in order to educate herself more and be able to make impact in her own community. She wanted to help women who were dealing with body image and weight issues take their power back and really love themselves again.

In this process she realized just how many women, like herself were 45 plus and dealing with menopause, body weight issues and aging. They all felt hopeless, anxious and frustrated and ready to throw in the towel on themselves. After transforming her own health and life she knew how important not giving up on yourself was.

This is when Beate found her superpower as we like to call it in our FIT CHICKS Academy, it is the area which you can really focus and make a massive shift for people in one particular area. It is the area you were able to transform your life and now help others see the possibility and opportunity in front of them. We learned a lot of important fitness tips here on this cool website you should check out.

In this podcast we chat all about this transition from training one person to building an online program to help others facing the same experience as she was in the past. She shares her knowledge on biological vs chronological age which is now her niche market that she is super focused on serving and supporting and building her brand and business around.

As a graduate of the Fitness and Nutrition Expert Certification program she knows the power of knowledge, focus and niche marketing and is here to share her experience with all of you.

Main Points:

  • The main difference between biological age vs chronological age
  • Why so many women “give up” on themselves once they reach a certain age
  • The main causes of age biologically
  • Healthy habits we can begin today to reverse the effects of biological aging and more items…
  • Why chronological age does not determine your health

Her top 5 tips to get you at your healthiest state no matter what age



Now in my 50’s and living with my motto: “Train in any mood, Lift at any age & Live to tell what happens”


To me, my story is about “FEELING YOUNG IN AN SEEMINGLY HOPELESS BODY” I help woman 45+ find their groove again after their body goes through all the changes that are spinning out of control and make us feel like giving up and surrender to the feeling hopelessness. The “I should” or “what if” or the “I could” that follows us everywhere when going through changes that are part of the cycle but hit us hard with no mercy and say to ourselves “If I only……would have or could have.

There is a big difference between the chronological age and our biological age and just because our body ages and shows certain sign’s doesn’t mean we have to surrender and give in by NOT taking care of our body our heart, soul and mind.

Honestly even though I coach woman to lose weight, gain strength and become fit again when they are older, to me it is taking on a different meaning. Its about the approach to enjoy the journey to get there and not wait for happiness once the goal is reached. Realizing that you are already beautiful and unique the way you are but its about embarking on a journey of self awareness and self love and realizing that the weight loss, fitness and fulling your body with nutritious food and hormone balance is just a “side effect” of an already beautiful woman.

I took me a long time to understand that and want to share how freeing it is to experience breaking through the barriers of self sabotaging our success in feeling young in an seemingly broken body. The first step is realizing that “I am not broken”



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Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo

*For informational purposes only. Please consult a physician before starting an exercise program