EPISODE #1 – FIT CHICKS Chat Podcast – What drives us crazy about the fitness industry & how it is sabotaging your goals!

Hey Chicks,

We are buzzing around the Coop today as we have a HUGE announcement….today is the day we launch our FIT CHICKS Chat Podcast!



Every year we go into our planning mode where we look at all the ways we can help women reach their goals.

This past January, we kept on getting emails from women asking our views/opinions/advice about specific areas of fitness, nutrition and wellness and Amanda and I would sit and banter about our thoughts during these meetings before answering their emails.

One day, we looked at each other and said, “Why not instead of answering via email, let’s record these convos so other peeps with the same q’s can listen to.” (plus typing that much info can lead to serious finger cramps lol).

We then wondered “What will we talk about for 30 – 60 min each week?!” Which quickly turned into us looking at each other and dying laughing as the last thing you will ever say about us is that we are boring or quiet. Between our personal ups and down in the industry, our chicks and all of our experience…we def won’t be lost for topics 😉

We have done many podcast interviews and they were always a blast and decided to launch our own…introducing FIT CHICKS Chat!  

Starting today, episodes will be available every Tuesday on Itunes, Stitcher and right here on the blog.  (Each episode is between 30 – 60 min and covers a topic of fitness, nutrition & wellness and is perfect to download and listen to while doing your workouts or commuting to work!).

Here is a quick overview of  FIT CHICKS Chat with your truly – Laura Jackson & Amanda Quinn

Laura Jackson & Amanda Quinn are founders of FIT CHICKS® & FIT CHICKS® Academy – Canada’s largest women’s only fitness company, leading Fitness & Nutrition Experts and TV Hosts of “Shape Up with FIT CHICKS”.

Each week on FIT CHICKS Chat, Laura & Amanda get you PUMPED to create your FIERCEST life – inside & out. Whether your goal is to lose weight, get toned, eat healthier, stress less, feel inspired or just have some healthy cheerleaders in your corner, each episode is packed with their own tested, ACTIONABLE fitness, nutrition and wellness strategies to get you there!

Why? Because after helping 1000’s of women of all levels transform their bodies and minds, Laura & Amanda figured out what they really love: helping women like YOU reach your goals by breaking down the BIG, confusing info about fitness, nutrition & wellness into easy step-by-step actions…so you can see BIG, life changing results, fast – no matter where you are in your fitness and life journey!

*For informational purposes only. Please consult a physician before starting an eating or exercise program

So what is going down in this first episode?  See below for details, click on the player to listen or subscribe to Itunes to download weekly




Meet the Head Chicks, Laura & Amanda, in episode 1 of FIT CHICKS Chat! From learning how they met and started FIT CHICKS and how fitness and nutrition changed their lives to the top 3 things that drive them crazy with the current state of the fitness industry that is keeping you from reaching your goals and what you can do TODAY to stop this cycle, Episode 1 is a fired up to kick off the FIT CHICKS Chat Podcast (plus a sneak peek of what to expect coming up!).



Want to stay in the loop for future podcasts? Click here and we will make sure you are the first to know when they are available plus other awesome bonuses too!

And if you have a question about fitness, nutrition, wellness or business that you would like us to give our 2 cents about or have any feedback about the show, simply email us at info@fitchicks.ca …we would love to hear from you!

Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo