FAB FRIDAY – Amanda’s a Mama Chick in Training

Hey Chicks!

Sorry chicks, technical difficulty! This post was supposed to go up yesterday so Fab Friday just because Sassy Saturday! Enjoy Head Chick’s Amanda’s post!

As most of you know I am not a Mama Chick but I do have two little peeps in Ottawa that make me think a lot about all the ups and downs of what it must be like to be a Mama Chick as well as the trials of how to keep busy, keep kids engaged and keep them active.

I am super close to my cousin and her two kiddies Jalen and Tyra – who is also my god daughter.

FIT CHICKS Healthy KidsEach and every time I visit back home in the Ottawa area I make it a priority to see this little cuties and last time was even more exciting as it was my little Tyra’s 4th Birthday!


FIT CHICKS Healthy Kids

To celebrate they had a cooking extravaganza party where the kiddies were taught how to make healthy snacks, cut fruit and make dough from scratch. Tyra is a chef in the making for sure and loves the kitchen so this was a perfect day for her.

FIT CHICKS Healthy Kids
We then went on to visit Saunders Farm in Ottawa – if you live there and have never been I must reco that you check it out next year. This place was like a kiddie wonderland in a farm setting. It was jammed with cool mazes, haunted houses, hay rides, bouncy pillows (like a castle sans walls lol) and so much more!

FIT CHICKS - Healthy Kids

The thing I loved about this weekend besides spending time with loved ones is the ease there was in keeping the kids engaged and having them learn about healthy treats without a fight and getting them moving without it feeling like exercise. My cousin is amazing at always making kid time a priority and having her two little ones constantly trying new activities, visiting new sites and always learning new things.

So now back in Toronto it got me thinking if I did decide to have kids one day (big GULP) what fun things would I do here to keep the same lessons in place and have my kids feel excited about their health?

Make this weekend fabulous!

Amanda xo

Ps.  December Camps are up so make sure to sign up and join in the fun.  Can’t believe it is our last bootcamps of 2011…how time flies when you are having fun!