16lbs down, 10.5 inches lost and lovin’ a new healthy life: Lina’s fitness & weight loss journey


Let’s kick off a super summer of healthy fun! Our kick butt bootcamp are heading outdoors starting on June 3rd (and we still have our “Celebrate Summer $50 off Promo!) & we booked our Sweats & Shades FIT CHICKS Retreat on Aug 9-11.  So to get us in the fierce fit mood, let’s celebrate an amazing fitness transformation with our CHICK OF THE MONTH!   Meet the inspiring Lina from our North York Bootcamp!

before pics fitness transformation

BEFORE: Lina & Daffy 🙂

Lina has grabbed her health, fitness and life by the reins and over the last year has changed her body and life! Losing over 16lbs & 10.5 inches, building healthy nutrition habits and completing her own amazing fitness goals (she just did her first 10k run!),  Lina is living proof that Livin la Vida FIT CHICK does a body and soul good.

strong fitness success story weigth loss

AFTER: The FABULOUS Lina 16lbs & 10.5 inches down!

Now let’s let Lina take it away and share her story – amazing work chick!!

How have you changed inside and out since joining FIT CHICKS?

After my first month with FIT CHICKS I had noticed some serious changes in myself in the fact that the majority of my clothes did not fit... the ones that used to be too tight to wear comfortably were now too big for me!  I have lost a total of 16lbs and 10.5 inches! I do track my measurements so I have included below. 

Weight: -16 lbs
Arm: -2.25
Chest: -2.75
Waist: -2.25
Buttocks: -1.25
Thigh: -2

Plus my strength has totally increased.  On my first fit test I could do 28 push ups but now I am at 43 in 1 min! I really got hooked on the healthy lifestyle idea and I love it. I’m happier and more active than I’ve ever been.

Livin la Vida FIT CHICK is based on 4 healthy principles. How do you incorporate them into your everyday life?

Principle 1 – Fitness: Move Everyday…makes it a conscious choice!
I realized that the 4 principles idea is working for me so I started doing constant research on clean eating and fitness. I have been with FIT CHICKS for a year.  I now do boot camp twice a week and I have at least one personal session with my Chick Sergeant Steph. I also do yoga and try to incorporate other work outs into my every day routine.

For example I take stairs up to the 22nd floor where I live at least once a day. I also noted that working out is only one part of the formula and nutrition plays an equal role in leading a healthy lifestyle.

Principle 2 – Nutrition: Eat real, whole foods made with love.

I started preparing my own meals every day so that I have no excuse to eat junk food.

Principle 3 – Wellness: Give yourself love.

Making time for me and my workouts.

Principle 4 – Pay it forward: Spread the healthy love to those around you.

Leading by example!

fit chicks 5k run fierce

TEAM FIT CHICKS: Lina and the fab Diane at CIBC Run for the Cure

How has FIT CHICKS help keep you on track with the 4 healthy principles?

I get such a great support form FIT CHICKS on my way to live healthy and take care of my body! First of all, working out in a team is awesome, we push each other to finish strong.

There are some things I wouldn’t want to try on my own but I did it as a part of a team. For example, last year I did 5K Run for the Cure with the FIT CHICKS team and it was amazing! My Chick Sergeant Steph was running with me and she inspired and motivated me to finish it.

This year Steph convinced me to run the 10K run. Also I absolutely love all the recipes FIT CHICKS share with us through newsletter and Facebook. It does help to stay motivated.

What is your fave post workout snack or healthy eats that you make with love?

I find it can be tough to sit down for salad when you are constantly on the go that is why I always try to drink my vegetables. I have a green smoothie recipe that helps me to stay energized. Have I mentioned it tastes delicious as well? I make it with kale, celery, spinach, kiwi, apple, banana, blueberries and water. Don’t forget always put the water in first so you don’t ruin your blender 🙂

Any parting words on how the power of how Livin La Vida FIT CHICK has changed you for the long haul?

I think my results speak for itself.  Livin la Vida FIT CHICK works…you just have to do it!


North York Chick Sergeant Steph is so proud of her chick she wanted to share an extra shout out!

Chick Sergeant Steph

My chick is so positive! Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious. She has become a seriously fierce FIT CHICK! Lina has gone from only a few push ups to doing variations from her toes! She now uses 3 lbs ankle weights and her hand weights! She is also doing a 10 km run next weekend!

Keep pushing your boundaries chick and you will continue to succeed! 🙂


Lina, we are so proud of you and all of accomplishments! Keep rocking the healthy house and helping to motivate other chicks through your story that they can make healthy changes – it just takes that first step. Thanks for allowing us to help along your journey and sharing your story with us – you rock!!

Make today fabulous!