November Chick of the Month: Colleen’s Success Story

Hey Chicks,

Each month we love to celebrate one of our fierce FIT CHICKS bootcamp members who really shows what it means to be a FIT CHICK! This month we are honoured to feature the fabulous Colleen from our Toronto King & Bathurst Location, who was nominated by her amazing Chick Sergeant Jenn.

Read on to hear more about Colleen’s journey:

What made you decide to join FIT CHICKS?

I’ve always been a fan of fitness, sport, and overall healthy living. However, I’ve had a tough time sticking to a workout routine for the past several years. I play sports which is how I came across Tennisinformation and would go to the gym sometimes, but never really found anything that stuck. That is…until I found FIT CHICKS!

Jenn is our Chick Sergeant and she is awesome! She gets to know you well and knows exactly how hard to push, while still being super supportive. The classes are awesome too. Lots of variety!

What is the biggest change you have seen in your life since joining FIT CHICKS?  How has fitness and nutrition changed your life for the better?

I feel better overall. I’m eating healthier, getting better sleep, and my clothes fit better. I feel stronger too!

What do you find is your biggest challenge to continue to choose to be active? How do you overcome it?

My biggest challenge is to continue to prioritize my FIT CHICKS classes. Especially in the summer, it can be tough to change or cancel plans to stay committed to class. Luckily, FIT CHICKS is super flexible and let’s you make up classes where possible.

What are 2 – 3 tools you use to keep you on a healthy track outside of class?

I make the green smoothies a few times a week from the Green Smoothie Guide,  and I also refer to some of the FIT CHICKS nutritional information online. I play sports too so I don’t always follow the FIT CHICKS Workout Map perfectly, but it’s a great resource!

If you could give one piece of positive advice to a chick just starting on her fitness journey, what would it be?

Just keep showing up. That’s all you have to do! All the girls in the classes are awesome and the instructors are great. You always feel better after class – the tough part is getting there.

Do you have a healthy “go to” recipe that you use for a meal that you take with you? Please share

I love making green smoothies! I don’t have a go-to recipe for one, but I love to experiment and the one’s from the FIT CHICKS Green Smoothie Guide are awesome!

What are 3 things in your gym bag and/or kitchen could you not live without?

My runners, earphones and my podcasts!

What is your fave FIT CHICKS Signature workouts & why? Is there anything that is different about your experience at FC than at other gyms or classes?

My favourite workout now is the one that almost made me quit at the start! My very first class was so hard and was Crossfit inspired. I love doing any version of it now because it helps me see how far I’ve come since I barely made it through that first class.

In the past I have done lots of other yoga classes, gyms, and even other bootcamps, but there’s something about FIT CHICKS! Our Niagara School crew is awesome and Jenn is a great instructor!

Being fierce is about healthy inside & out. How do you stay motivated and thinking positive about fitness and health? What do you do to nurture your soul and celebrate your fierceness?

I use my FIT CHICKS time as my time to check out and feel good. It’s important! I think that’s why I’m able to prioritize it throughout my week too. It’s typically easy to skip a class for something else but when you prioritize it as not only a work out class but your time to check out and focus on you it’s easier to keep it as an important part of your week!

Colleen, thank you so much for sharing your success with us! We are all super proud of you!


PS- If you are ready to get in the best shape of your life before 2017 is over, our 2 week “Countdown to Xmas” Bootcamp is starting December 4 & 5th! Spaces are limited so sign up today!