Wellness Wednesday – Getting active in the snow burns major calories!

Hey Chicks,

So we have all made it through the holidays..well almost!  Are your pants feeling a little snug after all the turkey (or tofurkey), wine and holiday cookies? 

I am happy to say mine actually aren’t (and I made sure I am not always in my usual wardrobe of stretchy pants so you can’t really tell the difference.) And how have I managed that?  This chick has been getting busy in the snow!


FIT CHICKS Healthy kids

My twin nieces are getting too big for me to hold them at the same time

I have been in Ottawa with my family for the holidays and we have been getting DUMPED on since the wee hours of Christmas morning. I was really excited as I didn’t think we were going to have a white Xmas !  And I have been taking full advantage including:


Did you know snowshoeing burns approx 550 calories per hour? And more if you try going up hills, “speedshoeing” where you do intervals going as fast as you can or adding more arm movements. I love hiking and with snowshoes I can still hit my fave trails around Mama Jackson’s place in Ottawa. I have looked up reviews on Humbersport.net about the best equipment and have gone hiking and trudging in the snow whenever I could.

FIT CHICKS Snoeshoeing Calorie burn

Footwear for the Canadian Girl on the Go!


My twin nieces got new sleds from Santa so we took them out on Xmas Day to get some activity in for them plus it was a great workout for us too.  Between chasing them around and climbing up and down the hill – I got my sweat on! Not only does tobaganning burns approx 500 calories an hour but it is an awesome lower body toning workout with the hill and upper body with carrying the sled (especially if you get the old school wood ones which I love:)

FIT CHICKS Toboganning calorie burn

Funny faces and sledding = happy chicks!

Well it was super fun and a great workout until Jayme ran into a fence.  Well her face ran into the fence – poor little thing!

Jayme’s battle scars from Toboganning – she is one tough little chick


Ok, this one is not my fave but it has to be done!  And if you think you are burning about 408 calories per hour, toning your shoulders and core and getting some much needed vitamin D by being outside – it makes it worth it.

So chicks – now that mother nature has given us some new elements, get out and enjoy them! Cross country skiing, snowboarding, skating are super fun ways to spend time with the peeps you love and get your workout in at the same time (just be careful of the fences – sorry Jayme!)

Have a fabulous day and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Laura xo

PS.  Dont forget that Jan 8 week bootcamps are back to attack on Jan 9th so come and get sweaty with us!