Hey Chicks,
Is your gym bag set up for sweat session success? To make your healthy living life so much easier to stay on track, a “grab & go” gym bag packed with your essentials will save you so much time and leave less room for excuses as to why not to workout!
To help get an idea of what helps keeps our team on track, we asked Head Chick Laura if we could take a peek in her gym bag.
Check out Head Chick Laura’s Top 5 “Gym Bag” must haves!
1. WATER BOTTLE with a twist
Gotta get that hydration in chicks! I always have a large bottle of icy cold water with me (I find I do most of my daily water consumption around workout time and I like it COLD during this time). The night before, i fill with about 1 inch with water and put in the freezer. Then fill up at your workout destination (also keeps your gym bag lighter instead of lugging around a liter of water!). If you’re looking for a cute ad sturdy water bottle to take with you to the gym, check out this water bottle shop that sells eco-friendly water bottles!
Extra tips: Forget gatorade! Add a little lemon juice, squeeze of honey (or stevia) and a couple shakes of salt to replenish your electrolytes. Cheaper and better for you 🙂
If you checked out my “How to eat post workout” vid on FIT CHICKS TV, you will know that you should eat after a workout (and no you are not gonna store all those calories you just burned!) A post workout snack is super important to replenish your lost glycogen stores (aka your energy!) and help repair your muscles.
Not only WHEN you eat but WHAT you eat can help you reach your fitness goals. Aim to eat a snack within 45 mins of your workout. It should contain only protein and carbs (no fats as this will slow the digestion and we want those nutrients back into your muscles speedy Gonzales styles!). As a snack, I aim to be approx. 200- 300 calories.
What is my post workout snack? I usually have a protein shake and an apple or sweet potatoe medallions I made the night before. Easy to grab and go!
When I get my sweat on, I want to be in and out as fast possible as I don`t want to spend 2 hours at the gym or class! But a lot of times I am not heading straight home afterwards and there is nothing WORSE than sweaty skivvies! Just keep an extra pair in a little separate bag in your gym bag at all times so not to worry.
In addition to an extra bag of undies, I keep an extra bag for the sweaty gear so it doesn`t touch the rest of my goods!
Ok by now you have prob assumed I don`t shower after my workouts lol but I do refresh! Baby wipes are awesome for a quick `pits & bit`s refresh when you gotta run. They will be your savior!
Chicks, what is your gym bag “must have?” We love extra tips and tricks so please share!
PS If you prefer to get your sweat on at home then you have to check out our FIERCE in 8 DVD Box set (8 HIIT Workouts under 30 min + Bonus Meal Plan) and we have FREE SHIPPING til March 14th!