Celebrating the Fierce Dana: Toronto Forest Hill Bootcamp Instructor

Hey Chicks

We wanted to take this time to celebrate an awesome and valuable member of the FIT CHICKS family who has almost been with us for 2 years teaching bootcamp  and helping chicks reach their fab fitness goals!

FIT CHICKS Bootcamp Instructor - the fierce Dana!

Dana rocking her "Fierce, Sassy, Sexy" Tshirt - so fab!

Dana is our Chick Sergeant at the Toronto North (Forest Hill) bootcamp location and she has been kicking chicks butt since May 2010.

We are so proud of her dedication, passion and hard work she puts into her chicks and her camp each everyday and wanted to take a moment to give her a huge shout and celebrate her hard work.  We could tell you but thought it would be more fun for Dana to tell you herself:)

So here is Dana to share a few things about her and what she loves about bootcamp, teaching and living la vida FIT CHICK…take it away chick!

What is your fav exercise/workout in bootcamp to get your chicks results and why?

My favorite exercises and workouts at bootcamp are kicks and punches and the “Charleston”!  I love kicks and punches because I come from a martial art background and it’s fun, different, takes a bit of skill and you can get some of your aggression out from the day.  Also, I really enjoy bringing styles of punches that I’ve learnt through Kung Fu and giving them a cardio feeling!  The Charleston is also really fun!  It’s a 1920s style dance move and you can jazz it up to add extra funk!

What motivates you to be a bootcamp fitness instructor (and a fitness professional in general)?

I am motivated to be a bootcamp instructor as fitness and being physical has always been a way of life for me.  I would like to share that feeling with others in the city.  That working out doesn’t need to be a chore or something you feel forced to do but can become a way of life liking reading the paper daily or watching your favourite TV show.  It’s a way to make new friends too.  I have many new girlfriends that I have met through the Fit Chicks community.  My hope is to pass on that outlook to all the Chicks I teach. 

What are your top 3 “must haves” that you include in your personal workouts?

 My top 3 must haves in my personal workout include;

1) a long jog to clear my thoughts of the day or week and to work on my endurance (I am working towards a triathlon this summer)

2) gymnastic/yoga style balancing moves including headstands, handstands and the bridge

3) abs, core, abs and more core!

Thanks for sharing Dana – you such an amazing part of our team and family  and we are lucky to have you!  Keep rockin’ chick!

And you can sweat up a storm with the fierce Dana (she will kick your butt “tough love” style!) at our March Sessions starting March 5th. And not to worry about March Break – we are closed that week so you don’t lose your classes!

Have a fab day!