Mama Chick Mondays – More Tips for Saving Money on Food

Grocery Store Budgeting Tips – Part Two


Hey Chicks!

I’m hoping you all enjoyed my tips last week and managed to slash a few bucks off the food bill! I have another bunch of easy peasy tips to keep you eating well and saving money – how fab is that?

save money on groceries

Less cash on food = more cash in your piggy bank!

Tip 1 – Check the Reduced Items


I often buy reduced meat and veggies. Sometimes it’s sketchy, but often you can find great deals in there. I either use my meat slicing tool to divide it in to portions and freeze them or or cook ’em up right away. Last week I got 4 cauliflowers for 2 dollars – score! Also, I find at more expensive stores the reduced produce can look better than the regular stuff at discount grocers.

Tip 2 – Eat smaller portions


It’s not only good for your waistline, but it’s good for your budget. Look how big things like chicken breasts are now, and most people are likely to have 1 chicken breast for dinner, regardless of the size. Instead, I divide the meat into 4-6oz portions. Sometimes I get twice as many meals as you expect out of one package of meat!

Tip 3 – Don’t drink away your cash!


What do we drink in our house? WATER! It’s the cheapest bevvie around. I save a ton of cash not buying juice, milk, juice boxes or pop. Bonus is we don’t drink our calories, and I am instilling a great water habit in my kiddies. When I pack them snacks, I just fill their water bottle – no juice boxes or any packaging machinery required.

Tip 4 – Look at your whole grocery budget


If buying expensive coffee saves you from a Timmy’s run every day, then it’s saving you money. Same thing if there is something fab and pricey you like in your lunch – if it can save you from stopping at the cafe for a snack or ordering lunch out, then it’s a good deal!

Tip 5 – Skip the single serves


Take a few minutes to divide up a larger package, and you will save tons (and lots of environmental waste!) For example, instant oatmeal costs about 35 cents a serving (plus it can be loaded with sugar and chemicals) Dividing up small containers of rolled oats with a little dried fruit and nuts (just add water like the instant oats) and it will cost about 20 cents a serving. My kids also love applesauce – takes me two seconds to pour it from the jar into a container and it costs half of what the prepackaged applesnax cost – plus I feel good not wasting a plastic container.

What would you like to know more about for our next Mama Chick Monday post? Let me know!


Have a fab day!!
