Stretches for Your Arms


Hey chicks!

Today we’ve got Head Chick Amanda to share some stretches for your arms! FIT CHICKS is a sponsor for the Pipes Challenge and we want to make sure these fierce chicks are loosening up those arms properly. Check out the stretches below for limber limbs!

Stretches for Sore Arms

So I am here to share some amazing and simple stretches that you can do anywhere, at home, at the office, bus stop (lol!) to keep your muscles from seizing and keep you on track to reaching your goal!

Some of my favourites are moves that will keep you opening up through your chest and shoulders in a way that keeps your muscles active rather than passively falling into them.

Main tip here is stay relaxed during all of these poses so no need to scrunch up your face, keep your shoulders away from the ears and breathe!

Clock Stretch on the Wall

Start facing the wall and place your right hand up the wall at 12 o’clock (make sure you extend your arm all the way without hyperextending your joint, so slight bend in elbow please) now turn your body to the left opening up your shoulder and chest muscles. Hold this for about 30 seconds and then move down to one o’clock and feel the new opening happening. Continue on to 2 and 3 o’clock and then switch arms and repeat on the other side starting again at 12 and going all the way to 9.

Reverse Prayer with a Forward Bend




Standing with your feet hip distance apart point your right foot forward at 12 o’clock and back foot turn out to about 10 o’clock. From here bring your hands back behind you into a reverse prayer position OR grab opposite elbows or wrists if reverse prayer is a little too much on the joints. Hold on tight now and add a forward bend trying to eventually bring your forehead to your knee but the main thing here is to avoid letting go of your elbows or having your prayer position open up at all. Keep your hands against your back and breathe. Hold for 30 then come up and repeat on the other side, try to keep your hands as they are while you swap feet. As a bonus this move also opens up your hamstrings

Assisted Chest Stretch

This one is going to feel like a gift from the universe with all those achy muscles from the push ups! For this one all you need is a wall, windowsill or chair and you will be set. Start by interlacing your fingers in front of you and bringing your elbows shoulder distance apart. Now place hands and elbows on the wall, windowsill or chair, feet hip distance apart and walk yourself backwards until your chest is level with the floor. Now slowly allow your chest to now drop towards the floor. This is going to be intense but just be sure you relax in it and allow the heart to drop. Hold this one for about a minute or two if you can that way you will really benefit from this mega opening. Also a small tip try to be active in this stretch by keeping your abs in so you protect your lower back from dropping as well, you are not trying to let your whole body collapse just your heart.

As a bonus, cuz’ I know your wrists are feeling the pain here is a great move to keep the blood flowing and reverse the wrist tenderness from the push ups.

Tabletop Wrist Stretch



In table top position (shoulders over wrists and hips over knees) turn your fingertips towards your knees don’t worry if they do not go all the way around to point directly at your knees it is just an idea not the main point. From this position try to gently sit your booty back towards your heels without letting your palms lift off the ground. Now come back to the start position and keeping fingers tips pointing towards knees try flipping your palms up towards the ceiling, crazy I know but just try it – who knows you might just like it;) Now again sitting back towards your heels try to relax your shoulders and ease into his one.

All of these poses might seem a little awkward at first, but trust me stick with them and you’ll ditch the after burn in your joints in no time!


Thanks so much, chick! If you’re not taking part in the Pipes Challenge, you can still benefit from these stretches. Try them after a FIT CHICKS Bootcamp or you High Intensity Hottie workout.

Don’t forget that April sessions start this week – woop! Sign up today if you haven’t already!