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Ditching the numbers, being kind & finding fitness that works: Vanessa’s Success Story!
Hey Chick, We re gearing up to kick off our Jan Bootcamps on Jan 9th (make sure to grab your spot!) so let’s get super inspired and positive in this first month of 2017 by celebrating an awesome fitness success story from one of our Toronto chicks, Vanessa from our Toronto Orde St Bootcamp Chick of the Month Vanessa (let) celebrating out of sweats with her amazing Chick Sergeant Lara from the Toronto Orde St location Vanessa is an awesome inspiration to [...]
THIS is how you do a Healthy Swap Challenge this week (Recipe Included!)
Hey Chick, This week is back to school, back to boot camp and for many us getting back to a healthy routine after realizing this summer was a little "too much" on the no exercise/ unhealthy eating train. So how can we get you pumped to kick off this month with our Build Your Best Body Bootcamp starting Sept 6th and give you some awesome ideas to get healthy? Share with you an awesome guest post, challenge and recipes from our awesome Toronto High [...]
10lbs lost, 10in down & finding fitness after breast cancer: Celebrating Maria fitness & weight loss journey
Hey Chick, Today we are celebrating a Chick of the Month, Maria from our Mississauga Bootcamp, who has touched our hearts and inspired us on SO many levels. This is a story about finding fitness after surviving breast cancer & owning her POWER. This is a story about starting your fitness journey at any age & any stage (Maria is a FIERCE 57!) This is a story about working hard and reaching goals (like fitting into clothes she hasn't since her 20's) Starting can [...]
21lbs & 27 inches and energy through the roof: Lindsay’s weightloss & fitness journey
Hey Chick, There is one life lesson that we learned early on that has completely CHANGED our health/ business / life...can you guess what it is? If you want to change something (ie your weight, your career, your finances), find someone else who is succeeding at it and do what they do. Simple as that. Find out how they became successful at achieving their goals and follow their path to success (this is where googling comes in VERY handy) If transforming your health is [...]