MOTIVATION MONDAY – Can you stop and breathe?

Hey Chicks!

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the energy and how it affects every single moment in your life. The type of energy you give out and keep inside will directly affect not only your mood but also your health and translate to those around you which can be super awesome or an energy vampire.

happy thoughts
So why, is it that we allow for ourselves to be bogged down with the negatron stuff? Why do we let it get in the way and swallow us up sometimes to the point where all we can do is spit venom at others and talk nasty about ourselves either out loud or internally?

Why is it so tough for us to just like let things pass like clouds in the sky.
So you are feeling blah in this very moment, let it pass. You are frustrated at the bank because someone is taking long at the teller, think why is what you need to do more important than what they have to complete? Or you are feeling  angry at the person in front of you in traffic, let it pass because it will it is just an emotional response to the stuff happening right this second but in like 10 minutes to 1 day from now will this really affect your life? Answer, NO so then why let it truly affect you now?

I am not saying I am perfect by any means and of course I have moments of rushing or frustration or anger but I do try to stay aware of this and to learn the act of letting go.
My challenge for you all is to try everyday for one week to just like breathe in the moments when you want to shout, to shake it off when you feel like you are beating yourself up and to give yourself some love each and every day and see how that affects your life overall and those around you.

Why not just shine bright and live light each and every day, I mean what do you have to lose?
Amanda xo